Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day.
Scott & I just want to say Happy Mothers Day to all the mother's out there. Thanks for all you do. (:
For our mother's day we took my mom to her favorite resturant, Logans. Scott (as always) introduced himself to the hotess and the waitress, but this time. He did something that he has never done. He told both the waitress and the hostess about his new white IPod 32gb. We are so used to him stopping after he says his name. What also threw us off was the waitress going with the ladies first. Not the usual Scott orders first then everyone else.
Durning our lunch after mom got her present. She told Scott to go give me a kiss for her. He came over and gave me a kiss on my arm. Mom told Scott to give me a kiss onthe cheek.
One thing were trying to teach Scott is Eye Contact with people. When dad was showing him he did the eye contact symbol with his fingers like "i'm watching you."
What do we do every Sunday since forever ago.
Yep that's right Cool Cats practice(:
It was my first practice back for the summer. It was great seeing everyone. Since we didn't have a lot of kids we had an course to do & then we played games.
Hope everyone had an awesome day. (:

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